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Version: 7.2

API provider management


To communicate with the ERP web instance, the various modules use axios to make API calls. When connecting to the application, axios will retrieve and save the instance's url and the connection tokens sent by the ERP, so that future requests can be made.

The core package provides a provider for any API call. This is axiosApiProvider, which has four types of request:

export interface ApiProvider {
post({url, data}): Promise<any>;
put({url, data}): Promise<any>;
get({url}): Promise<any>;
delete({url}): Promise<any>;

To use it, simply retrieve the provider from the core package and call the appropriate method according to your needs.

There are two other types of provider that allow you to generalize the use of queries, but also to enable a module to modify this provider to use a specific tool. This system has been implemented for model data retrieval queries and for action execution queries. Each provider has a specific interface with the methods required for its operation, as well as a gateway for switching between several providers depending on their availability.


Specialized data recovery providers must follow the following interface in order to offer the same functionality and avoid errors:

export interface ModelApi {
init(data?: any): void;
isAvailable(): Promise<boolean>;
}: {
modelName: string;
page: number;
}): Promise<RequestResponse>;
}: {
modelName: string;
id: number;
}): Promise<RequestResponse>;
}: {
modelName: string;
id: number;
query: ReadOptions;
}): Promise<RequestResponse>;
}: {
modelName: string;
query: Query;
}): Promise<RequestResponse>;
}: {
modelName: string;
id: number;
data: any;
}): Promise<any>;
reset(modelName?: string): void;

The init method is used to initialize the provider if it requires certain actions: initialize the storage space, for example, if data will be retrieved locally.

The isAvailable function lets you know whether the provider is available for use or not: no Internet connection or other.

The getAll, get, fetch and search functions can be used to retrieve data in different ways.

The insert function is used to modify stored data for offline use.

The reset function can be used to reset saved data for all models, or just for the model specified as an argument.

The core package comes with a default implementation of this interface using AOP web services, the AopModelApi class.

A second implementation has been built, which works in a different way: it takes a list of ModelApi as an argument to its constructor. This is the GatewayModelApi, which allows you to switch between several implementations of the interface using the first available provider thanks to the isAvailable method. Provider priority is defined in the constructor.

In order to standardize the use of all implementations of the ModelApi interface, there is a global provider which has the current ModelApi as an attribute, with two methods: one for retrieving the provider and another for modifying it. To facilitate its use, three functions have been created:

  • useModelApi(): ModelApi and getModelApi(): ModelApi retrieve the ModelApi
  • registerModelApi(modelApi: ModelApi) allows you to modify the currently registered ModelApi.

By default, this provider is set to AopModelApi.

So, when using a Gateway, you need to register the new ModelApi.

registerModelApi(new GatewayModelApi(modelApi1, modelApi2, ...));


Specialized providers for actions must follow the following interface in order to offer the same functionality and avoid errors:

type Method = 'put' | 'post';

export type ActionRequest = {
url: string;
method: Method;
body: any;
description: string;

export interface ActionApi {
isAvailable(): Promise<boolean>;
send(request: ActionRequest): Promise<void>;
synchronize(): Promise<void>;

The isAvailable function lets you know whether the provider is available for use or not: no Internet connection or other. The send function executes the request. The synchronize function synchronizes requests with the web.

The core package offers a default implementation of this interface using AOS web services, the AosActionApi class.

A second implementation has been built, which works in a different way: it takes a list of ActionApi as an argument to its constructor. This is the GatewayActionApi, which allows you to switch between several implementations of the interface using the first available provider thanks to the isAvailable method. Provider priority is defined in the constructor.

To standardize the use of all implementations of the ActionApi interface, there is a global provider which has the current ActionApi as an attribute, with two methods: one for retrieving the provider and another for modifying it. To facilitate its use, three functions have been created:

  • useActionApi(): ActionApi and getActionApi(): ActionApi retrieve the ActionApi.
  • registerActionApi(actionApi: ActionApi) allows you to modify the currently registered ActionApi.

By default, this provider is set to AosActionApi.

So, when using a Gateway, you need to register the new ActionApi.

registerActionApi(new GatewayActionApi(actionApi1, actionApi2, ...));